richardkoshimiizu's blog



The Jews' "Worst Enemy" is Now Ours

By Henry Makow Ph.D.

June 9, 2007




In 1962, Christopher Story was the only 'goy' working at Jewish banker "S. Japhet & Co." in the City. The Eichmann trial was in the news and Story asked a Jewish co-worker, a "nice middle aged lady," if Adolf Eichmann wasn't himself Jewish?

She replied:" Didn't you know that a Jew's greatest enemy is another Jew?"

Story, 68, now a veteran British journalist, believes that many Nazis who planned and implemented the Holocaust had Jewish blood. Jews who belonged to the (Masonic) Illuminati conspiracy "sided with the Luciferian German Nazis to exterminate millions of their own race in what amounted to an inter-Jewish civil war and ethnic cleansing operation..." (532)

The motivation? Prevent Jews from disappearing as a nation and trick them into becoming Zionists and advancing the New World Order. He cites the famous article in the Jewish owned "Daily Express" headlined "Judea Declares War on Germany" (March 24, 1933). It states that Hitler "has aroused the whole Jewish people to a national consciousness." (535)

Before Hitler came to power, less than 3% of Germany's 500,000 Jews belonged to the Zionist movement.